October 24-26, 2025 | Collingwood, ontario

Join Us october 2025
Gather in community with generous givers from across the country for our inaugural Celebration of Generosity (COG) in Canada! Featuring a lineup of compelling teaching, inspiring stories, and Spirit-led worship, this event is designed to spark conversation. As we connect to God and His people, He changes our hearts and enables us to change the world.

Vijay Krishnan

Heather Tuininga

Mike Janzen
The conference will be held at Living Water Resorts, which is nestled between the Blue Mountains and Georgian Bay in Ontario’s Georgian Triangle. With over 700 acres to explore, the resort is full of beauty and adventure.
The conference begins at 5 p.m. Friday, October 24 and ends after lunch, on Sunday, October 26.
With questions about hotel accommodations,
contact Sarah Knight at sarah.knight8@outlook.com.
By registering, I affirm that I am coming to learn and grow. I understand that this event is not a place for fundraising or business development. Please refer to Generous Giving's Declaration of Neutrality for more information.
Still have questions? Our team would love to help you!
Contact rachelle@generousgiving.org for assistance.

We're looking forward to being with you!