Generosity Resources for Churches
Generous Giving has been working closely with churches for many years. Our goal is to make it easy for you to incorporate transformational experiences into your church. This page is designed to be your hub for resources to build a culture of generosity in your church. If you would like to connect with Generous Giving to come alongside you, reach out to
Launching Your Generosity Culture
We believe conversations about generosity can be life-changing. When people engage the biblical message of generosity in a transformational experience like the Journey of Generosity (JOG) or the annual Celebration of Generosity (COG), they experience the freedom, joy, and multiplied impact of their gifts and resources. When combined with a holistic stewardship and generosity strategy in your church, we believe these tools have a compounding effect that creates a culture of generosity in your church.
Bringing the Journey of Generosity (JOG) to Your Church
John Mark Comer on the JOG
Pastor and Founder of Practicing the Way shares the benefit of experiencing the Journey of Generosity in a church context, and the impact it can have on church culture.
Different Types of JOGs for Different Types of Needs
Schedule a JOG
A Journey of Generosity (JOG) is a small group gathering to explore living with biblical generosity. Givers within your community can take time, in a pressure-free environment, to be inspired by stories of generous people and to listen to the Holy Spirit as they discern God's will for their lives and wealth. This retreat is designed to be a gift to those who attend as they strengthen their marriage, business, and ministry through purposeful conversation.
Celebration of Generosity 2025
April 24-26, 2025 | Austin, TX
The Celebration of Generosity is our annual conference where generous people gather in community. Featuring a lineup of compelling teaching, inspiring stories, and Spirit-led worship, this event is designed to spark conversation. Consider sponsoring two or more generosity champions from your church to get them filled up and empowered to lead at your church.
Resources for Pastors
Video Teachings
The Christian Stewardship Network (CSN) is a one stop shop for learning and collaborating with senior pastors, generosity directors and stewardship pastors from around the US for growing stewardship and generosity in your church. Are you looking for best practices in giving moments, stewardship classes, how to teach to the heart, which giving metrics to track, what’s the best platform for tracking giving or what topics you should preach on the weekend? CSN has classes, podcasts, articles, an annual in person forum and a virtual forum to get everything you need stand up a strong generosity and stewardship ministry.
Connect with Generous Giving
Generous Giving partners with churches to empower and equip them to build a culture of generosity. Our goal is to make it easy for you to incorporate transformational experiences within your church community.
If you would like to discuss a plan that is right for the unique needs of your church, submit the following form or reach out to Kirsten Schwartz at