Explore a life of openhanded living
Culture has taught us that money can buy joy and that giving is a mere obligation. In our pursuit of having more, we’ve lost touch with what it means to have a generous life.

The Generous Giving Story
Generous Giving’s mission is to spread the message of biblical generosity in order to grow generous givers, especially among those entrusted with much. Founded in 2000 by The Maclellan Foundation, it was launched with a vision to stir a renewed, spirit-led commitment to generosity among followers of Christ through conversation.
Today, we host conversations about God and money in an environment that never asks you for donations or anything in return.
These experiences have led thousands to experience renewed purpose, stronger families, passionate marriages, and deeper relationships with God.

Our Vision
To see the generosity of God displayed through the generosity of God’s people.
We envision a movement of Christians who give extravagantly of all that they are in response to God’s radical grace. Our primary motivation is to see people liberated to live and give in God’s image in order to see God’s kingdom come on earth.
This growing movement will create a dramatic shift in culture:
- Christians will be known for extravagant generosity, rather than consumption or accumulation.
- Young people will be organizing their lives around giving before they get caught up in the constant pursuit of more.
- People will be coming to know Jesus because the generosity of Christians is so compelling that they want to know the God who inspires it.
In addition to culture being shaped, individuals will be transformed and find greater joy, freedom, and purpose as they trade away saving and consuming on earth for eternal treasure in heaven. As a result, billions of dollars will be released for God’s Kingdom — sharing the gospel, serving the needy, and healing the world.