We are grateful for the overwhelming response to attend the 2025 Celebration of Generosity! Registration is now closed.

Please do not hesitate to add your name to our waitlist. Our team will contact you to inform you about the opportunity to register as soon as possible.


April 24-26, 2025 | Austin, TX

Join Us in April 2025

The Celebration of Generosity (COG) is our annual conference where generous people gather in community. Featuring a lineup of compelling teaching, inspiring stories, and Spirit-led worship, this event is designed to spark conversation. As we connect to God and His people, He changes our hearts and enables us to change the world.



Jon Tyson


Jada Edwards


Randy Alcorn


Heather Larson


Greg Baumer


John Cortines

Bishop Hannington

Bishop Hannington

Andrew_Peterson 2

Andrew Peterson


Skye Peterson


We are officially sold out at the Fairmont Austin. We recommend booking a refundable reservation at one of these hotel properties within 0.5 miles of the conference:

The conference dates are Thursday, April 24 to Saturday, April 26. Registration begins at 3.p.m. Thursday and the conference ends at noon on Saturday.

If you are already registered for the conference and would like to be added to the waitlist for the Fairmont Austin, please email cog@generousgiving.org with the number of rooms you would like to reserve. We will be sure to let you know if space becomes available!


Still have questions? Our team would love to help you!

Contact cog@generousgiving.org for assistance.

Friday Dessert Reception_-15
Women's Gathering-5
Pre conference gathering_-31 (1)
Saturday General Session_-85
General Session 1 Friday_-100

We're looking forward to being with you!