
Generosity Resources

About Our Partnership

Generous Giving has been working closely with Relationship Managers and Local Offices within the National Christian Foundation for many years. Our goal is to make it easy for you to incorporate transformational experiences within your community. This page is designed to be your hub for resources to facilitate gatherings in your city. If you would like to connect with a Generous Giving consultant to help you make a plan that is right for your office, reach out to Lacie Stevens at

The Model

We believe conversations about generosity can be life-changing. When givers engage the biblical message of generosity in a transformational experience like the Journey of Generosity (JOG) or the annual Celebration of Generosity (COG), they experience the freedom, joy, and multiplied impact of their gifts and resources.

We have designed new, shorter gatherings called, "Generosity Conversations" with two main goals:

  1. Introduce givers to biblical generosity as an onramp to transformational experiences (JOGs, COG).
  2. Build a generous community and help givers take practical next steps.

Best Practices

  • Host several Generosity Conversations per year
  • Invite givers to a JOG (1-day, overnight, destination)
  • Invite givers to the COG
  • Train local Champions to facilitate JOGs

Schedule a Journey of Generosity

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A Journey of Generosity (JOG) is a small group gathering to explore living with biblical generosity. Givers within your community can take time, in a pressure-free environment, to be inspired by stories of generous people and to listen to the Holy Spirit as they discern God's will for their lives and wealth. This retreat is designed to be a gift to those who attend as they strengthen their marriage, business, and ministry through purposeful conversation. 

Host a Destination JOG

Offer a Journey of Generosity (JOG) in a Memorable Location!

Generous Giving is now offering Destination JOGs for our NCF Offices who are ready to take their experiences to the next level. This extended retreat allows you and your team more time to cultivate relationships with new and existing givers. While the JOG content remains the same, your guests will have more time for conversation with tailored activities in exciting places.

Generosity Conversations Playbook

To host a successful Generosity Conversation, we have created a timeline and an exercise to rally your team around the event. These plans are flexible and can be altered to fit your unique market.


GC Timeline rev03

Event Timeline

This is our recommendation for planning and following up with your givers.

GC Know Feel Do rev03

Know-Feel-Do Exercise

Ask your teammates, "What do we want our participants to know after they leave the event? What do we want them to feel during the event? What do we hope they will do after the event?"

Invitation Assets

We have provided our branded materials for you to use with any invitation system. We also offer our invitation system for your event! If you would like our team to create your invitation (view a sample here), please connect with Lacie Stevens at Lacie will walk alongside your team as you plan your event.

Sample Invitation

We recommend using the following messaging to invite people to your Generosity Conversation. Feel free to plug in the details that are unique to your event. Here's an example of NCF Indiana's Generosity Conversation email invitation.

We are gathering a group of friends for drinks, dessert, and a fellowship experience filled with inspirational stories, questions, and conversation around the joy of a generous life in Jesus. Our hope is that you will leave inspired as you connect to a greater generosity movement. Please leave your checkbooks at home. This is not a fundraiser or a pitch; it is simply a gift!

Event Agendas

A Generosity Conversation is designed to open the hearts of men and women as they enjoy relaxed discussions with peers. Each agenda includes thoughtful questions and inspiring stories. Your event will be unique because your setting, meal, and group are all unique! Use these outlines to guide your guests through a meaningful experience

Video Playlist

Use this playlist to access the stories and teachings you will show at the Generosity Conversation. For peace of mind, we recommend downloading these videos before the event in case WiFi at the venue is unreliable.

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Tips and Best Practices

Takeaway Folder

At the end of the event, be prepared to provide participants with meaningful information to equip them to take next steps that are specific to your office's goals. Here are a few ideas and samples for what to include in your take-home folder:


AV Tips

  • If you are hosting your Generosity Conversation at an event venue, connect with the AV team beforehand for optimum audio and visual set up. This will likely mean having a speaker that can project to the whole room, and an HDMI cord that connects to the laptop with the videos.
  • We strongly recommend downloading the stories and teachings from the video playlist before the event in case the WiFi at the venue or home is unreliable.

Schedule a Generosity Conversation

JOG food dinner lunch diverse 14

Approximately a two-hour gathering around a meal, your givers will be inspired to think differently about all the resources they are stewarding as they grow in community.


Create a Landing Page for Your Office

You can now create a landing page that is unique to your office to showcase upcoming events! (See a live example here.) Givers can see all upcoming Generosity Conversations and Journey of Generosity retreats you are hosting and register to attend. We will provide weekly registration reports to your team and walk alongside you as you prepare for the gatherings.

To get started, please schedule your Journey of Generosity or Generosity Conversation with the links above. Then e-mail to work with us to personalize your experience.

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Invite your Givers to the 2024 Celebration of Generosity!

Austin, Texas- Cityscape against the sunset sky background. There are skycrapers on both sides with reflective glass walls and bridges over the Colorado river with boats.

April 24-26, 2025 | Austin, TX

The Celebration of Generosity is our annual conference where generous people gather in community. Featuring a lineup of compelling teaching, inspiring stories, and Spirit-led worship, this event is designed to spark conversation.

JOG Facilitator Training

In-Person Trainings

Each year, we host in-person and online JOG Facilitator Trainings to equip you to lead this life-giving experience. We will share the dates and times of those in-person trainings here once they are scheduled. Click the link below to find out about our online training course.

Contact Us


Lacie Stevens

‭+1 (561) 596-3494‬