Declaration of Neutrality
Declaration of Neutrality
The following statement is one of our foundational principles:
We believe that neutral environments that invite givers to process their role as a steward – focusing only on what we want for them, not what we want from them – are the most powerful environments for transformation. These environments enhance and accelerate life change.
In order to maintain a commitment to Generous Giving’s neutral platform and maximize life change in participants’ lives, we are asking every volunteer facilitator to sign this agreement. The spirit of this agreement is for the facilitator to approach facilitating a JOG as a place of ministry, free from any self-interested motives.
I, (your name) agree to the following statements during my role as a Journey of Generosity Facilitator:
- I will, to the best of my ability, seek to be a blessing to those gathered for this experience.
- I will attempt to be a channel of the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives.
- I will not solicit business.
- I will not promote my business.
- I will not solicit donations for any cause that I personally represent or might benefit from.
- I will not promote any ministry or cause that I am personally interested in