Journey of Generosity
Host Resources - Step 4
What Other People Are Saying

What hosts are saying
We are confident that hosting a JOG will be a blessing to you and your friends. Here are some reflections from past hosts about their experiences:
“These JOG events have been some of the most thought-stretching, eye-opening, and transformational experiences that I've ever been a part of... both for me personally as well as for those I've invited to join me.” — Jim, JOG Host
“Hosting a Journey of Generosity was an over-the-top experience for me - an opportunity to bring together a diverse group of women to share in this critical message and encourage them on their journey. It was fun to bless them with hospitality - fun, food and fellowship as we learned together. Their response has been immediate and heartfelt - confirming that it was just the right thing for me to do!” — Tonya, JOG Host
“I can't recommend more highly the JOG experience for ministry boards as husbands and wives and any groups that are serious about growing their relationship with Christ and their Kingdom investments.” — Barry, JOG Host
“It's amazing to see how this message ignites the heart. Every one of our friends keeps talking about it to others, and not just talking but doing, taking action. I can't wait to see what God does!” — Kyle, JOG Host
“I've seen firsthand how just 24 hours of focused time can change the trajectory of a person's life by introducing them to the life-giving message of Biblical Generosity. I couldn't recommend these JOG experiences more highly.” — Tom, JOG Host
“I thought hosting was going to be a time to serve my friends but I was challenged and encouraged even more in my generosity than my first JOG!” — Dan, JOG Host
“Hosting a JOG may be the most impactful thing that you do for the Kingdom all year!” — Chris, JOG Host
Hosting a JOG will not only be meaningful for your own journey, but will have a meaningful impact on the hearts and lives of your friends. Here are some reflections from past participants about their JOG experiences:
“It’s a completely new perspective. It makes my head spin. It’s irrationally beautiful.” — Travis, JOG Participant
“I was most encouraged by other givers and knowing we are not alone. That is very exciting to me.” — Rob, JOG Participant
“I walked away with a clear understanding of how rich I really am. God has given me ALL I need. This frees me up to give to others.” — Cheri, JOG Participant
“We are instilling the practice of generosity into our family on a daily basis.” — Jeff, JOG Participant
“There is a sense in which nothing that I heard was new, but the way in which it was presented did get through to me in a new way.” — Jessica, JOG Participant
“My perspective of being generous changed from giving 10% to putting everything I have on the table for God to use as He desires.” — Mike, JOG Participant
“I have always viewed generosity as an issue of obedience. I came away from the JOG feeling as though generosity is something I’ve been invited into, and it is the key to unlock the door to a full, adventurous & abundant life.” — Chelsea, JOG Participant
“My husband and I have opened a giving account. We put funds in every month so we are prepared to help with things that come up in other families’ lives.” — Darla, JOG Participant