Lessons from Proverbs 11:24

"The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller." - Proverbs 11:24
I love this translation of Proverbs 11:24 because it paints such a stark contrast between two different orientations toward life with dramatically different outcomes. I have spent the past 30 years working with generous people and this is the best summary of the outcome of living generously that I have read.
My observations of walking alongside generous people continue to reinforce the truth of God's Word. Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." When a person approaches life with a generous spirit, their world opens up; it grows or gets larger. A kind word, an encouraging note, an outsized tip, a thoughtful gift, a generous contribution, an act of service, an unexpected introduction or useful advice are all generous acts that enlarge the life of the giver while being a blessing to the recipient.
As we orient our lives for the sake of others, our worlds continue to expand. Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist professor at Wharton, wrote a book about this idea titled, Give and Take, which describes three types of interactions or ways of being in the world:
Takers: Takers are interested in getting more than they give. They typically see the world as a hyper-competitive place and will look out for themselves first.
Givers: Givers tilt their reciprocity in the direction of other people. They are giving and generous as a way of being, rather than to get something specific from their actions.
Matchers: Matchers live by the tit for tat policy. I scratch your back, you scratch mine.
“When you are a giver in your interactions with others, it pays off in the long-term," Grant says. "As a giver, you will build a better reputation and a broader set of relationships over time. With strong relationships and a solid reputation, you’ll be introduced to good opportunities that you would not otherwise have had, had you spent your personal or professional life in the mindset of a taker or a matcher.”
This is simply one example of the truth of the writer of Proverbs observing that those who are generous see their worlds become larger and larger. I've observed that I've never met an unhappy generous person, nor have I met a former giver. Paul observed in 1 Timothy 6:19 that a life of generosity leads to the life that is truly life.
"In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." - 1 Timothy 6:19

Todd Harper
As a founder of Generous Giving, Todd has been actively engaged in spreading the biblical message of generosity for 20 years. In his current role as co-founder, Todd focuses on mission-related activities: strengthening and developing relationships with champions, facilitating JOGs and trainings, and contributing to program and story development. He and his wife, Collynn, have five children and live in Orlando, Florida.