The Heart of Generosity

gracepoint church

A Familiar Question

Like many churches, GracePoint Church in Portland, Texas was looking for a way to inspire benevolence among their people. Church leadership was contemplating the launch of a campaign to encourage generosity towards the church’s mission and vision when they reached out to Ron Watson, a member of GracePoint, and a successful investment consultant.

“Generosity is a heart issue.” Ron explained as he recounted the story. “I knew that to truly encourage generosity among the people of GracePoint, we would need to impact their hearts.”

Having attended his first Journey of Generosity (JOG) in 2014, Ron spent the last ten years turning his heart towards The Kingdom. Through hosting and facilitating JOGs, he had seen the impact in his own life and the lives of others.

Setting out on a Journey of Generosity

GracePoint leadership eagerly agreed to attend a JOG facilitated by Ron in February 2024, and the ripple effect began at their church, aligning hearts towards Kingdom living. Those leaders have since encouraged more JOGs, along with sound Biblical teaching on generosity from the pulpit, and the momentum has continued to swell through the congregation.

By the summer of 2024, giving at GracePoint had risen by 10% compared to the same period the previous year. However, what Ron has been most excited about is hearing the way conversations have changed on Sunday mornings. Members are discussing how they are using their “time, talent, and treasure” to think through ways they can give. Ron even overheard people discussing how they want to grow from being “a reservoir to a conduit” with all that they have been given to steward.

“…there your heart will be also”

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus powerfully reminds us, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matt. 6:21). At GracePoint Church, God is actively at work as His people align their hearts with His voice and their resources with His purposes. The church leadership’s invitation to participate in a JOG, reflecting on God's generosity, has not only advanced GracePoint’s vision and growth but also transformed lives, bringing newfound freedom and joy.


Jess Henderson

Jess serves as the Content Specialist at Generous Giving. She is focused on sourcing and producing the video stories that are shared in Generous Giving experiences. Beyond this, she services the team with other various marketing and communications needs.