The Joy of Giving


Generosity brings joy. When you meet someone who is experiencing this kind of joy, it is striking and infectious. Laura Hernandez exudes this type of joyful energy!

Finding Joy

Laura and John Hernandez have been serving the Greater Los Angeles Area for years through an outreach program called New Challenge Ministries. “Each person who comes to see us receives a banana box of food, but if we run out, I never let someone in need leave empty handed,” says Laura as she explains their standard of giving.

Her ministry does not only involve handing food to those in need, she takes time to serve each person with heartfelt connection, infusing dignity and respect in each interaction.

She makes sure each person knows that it is a joy for her to spend time with them.

“It’s not a job for me,” Laura says. Whether she is giving out flowers on Mother’s Day, accommodating allergies in food boxes, or planning Back to School events, Laura feels strongly that caring intentionally for her community is is a delight. As if food and flowers is not enough, Laura started a Saturday morning tradition. “Everyone who comes gets a box of Krispy Kreme donuts!”

Her giving not only served others, but when Laura went through an incredibly challenging time, she found that it sustained her.  “I was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago and it was through talking with those in the waiting room and continuing to stay invested in the food bank that nourished me.”

An Infectious Joy

Her special joy of caring for others has trickled down through her whole family. One of Laura’s sons is a driver for the ministry, picking up food from participating grocery stores. Another son works at a car dealership and has prioritized getting the word out to the many customers he meets each day. “We don’t have a marketing budget, so communication is all word of mouth.” Laura’s daughter and granddaughter regularly come to pass out food with same joy and care that Laura has exemplified for them for years. The dedication to the community is a family affair.

“More Blessed to Give than to Receive”

Jesus’ words that “It is more blessed to give than to receive” ring true throughout generations. Laura and the rest of the Hernandez family have experienced it firsthand. Whether they are giving out the donations they receive, giving of their hearts through prayer with the individuals that come to New Challenge, or giving their time to create dignifying and honoring events, each opportunity brings joy abundant.


Jess Henderson

Jess serves as the Content Specialist at Generous Giving. She is focused on sourcing and producing the video stories that are shared in Generous Giving experiences. Beyond this, she services the team with other various marketing and communications needs.